The My Practice My Business Dental Podcast
Welcome to The My Practice My Business Dental Podcast. I'm Dr. Rob Thorup, Clinical Director at MPMB. In our podcast shows we help dentists profit and thrive with excerpts from The Clinical Business of Dentistry Training here at MPMB.This podcast is dedicated to helping dentists and their teams reclaim forgotten profitability in dentistry, and to learn business skills specifically designed for dental practices. We look forward to your subscription, and we hope you let your colleagues know about our podcast. For more information on our GUARANTEED training, please visit us at and surf our website pages. Our mission statement is simple: We increase the monthly net revenue of dental practices with our key methods, tools, and training utilizing every day, need-based dentistry, even with PPO plans. And we teach you how to do it ethically, legally, and morally, adhering to contracts and state laws, so you can be paid fairly for the services you provide.
The My Practice My Business Dental Podcast
2025 Top Dental Business Concerns
Robert Thorup, DDS
Season 7
Episode 1
With the beginning of a new year, I decided to Google what the top three concerns were for dentists in their practices. What resulted was interesting. The top three to five concerns tended to center around the business entity answering the questions on Google, and it’s worth reporting. The top concerns and solutions vary with who is being asked: consultants vs. software companies vs. the ADA all seemed to have different answers. Having said that, I believe I’ve narrowed down the concerns with one simple answer to all of them, and that answer is “procedural profitability.” Here we go.